16 August 2008

That's Not My Job

I read this interesting story from "Afterhours Inspirational Stories" http://www.inspirationalstories.com. Check it out when you are free.

This's a story about four people:
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it but Nobody realised that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody have done.

This story reminded me of an incident in the office. I had to present to a committee the utilitiy usage for the campus. I asked one my staff to coordinate the required data. All was well except the data for water usage. I still couldn't get the data even the day before my meeting....the coordinator says he hasn't got it from the executive who in turn says he hasn't got it from the technician.

Well instead of been frustrated and been totally stressed out...I just got out the file and copied the data I needed....all completed in two minutes!

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