04 January 2009


On 1st January, a few of my former classmates got together for lunch. A good friend of mine came back from New Zealand and we decided to meet up at Pavilion.
The last time we met, I think was in early 2006. We were classmates of 1982 in La Salle PJ...that's about 27 years ago. The amazing thing about this is that even though we seldom meet or keep in touch..(though some try very hard through email etc..) whenever we meet up, we can just get along, chit chat as if things have never changed. I guess that the friends we make in the school are the ones that last...That's the advice I always give to my young learned friends.

After the lunch at Madam Kwan's we had to adjourned elsewhere as there were many people waiting for seats. We even decided to meet again before CNY to catch up with a few others who couldn't make it that day. While on the way to another cafe, I bumped into some youths from my church who were also having lunch there. I have known some of these youths since they were young and have never been able to connect with them now that they are teenagers/young adults. It's really great to be able to "click" with them now due to my recent involvement in their youth camp recently.

Yes, on the first day of 2009, it brought back memories of old friendships made in the past and also as a reminder of new friendships made recently.

"We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go,
we take a little of each other everywhere" -
author unknown

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