07 September 2008

A weekend with my learned friends

" A university education is all about discovering or rediscovering one's self so that you can be the best version of yourself. A university's goal should be to help a young person become a good, happy person who is able to interact with others and be a global in his/her outlook"
- A president of a private university

During the merdeka weekend, I joined a group of my learned friends for their annual camp. It was a good break for me to get away from work.

They had a great time...so did I by just watching them and taking photos of all the activities.

Besides learning spiritual things,
doing things you probably will never to do outside camp
never dressing up like that again..

but admist all the happy and crazy times, I saw them making new friends...
and learning the spirit of team work..

Well, it if want to see more of the collection of photos, please visit my album at http://photobucket.com/TechflowCamp08

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